How to edit or add/remove the map section on Property Websites
To edit the maps section:
- Login to your account
- Navigate to the 'Listings' tab
- Search for the property address in the search bar
- Click the listing to view that particular address
- Scroll down to the "Property Website" section
- Click 'Editor'
- You are taken to the Property Website Builder screen
- Select the 'Map' section for editing
- You are taken to the Map editor
- Here you can makes change to the map section like adding a title to map section to highlight the neighborhood
- You can view how the changes you make will reflect on both your branded and unbranded sites by switching the view from Branded to Unbranded
- When finished, Click Save & Exit
To delete the maps section:
- Login to your account
- Navigate to the 'Listings' tab
- Search for the property address in the search bar
- Click the listing to view that particular address
- Scroll down to the "Property Website" section
- Click 'Editor'
- You are taken to the Property Website Builder screen
- Select the 'Map' section for editing
- Click 'Remove'
To Add the Maps section:
- Login to your account
- Navigate to the 'Listings' tab
- Search for the property address in the search bar
- Click the listing to view that particular address
- Scroll down to the "Property Website" section
- Click 'Editor'
- You are taken to the Property Website Builder screen
- Select 'New Section'
- Select 'Map' as the section type you would like to add
- Click 'Save'